Dear Ayina Think Tank Founder Damien Mouzoun,
Thank you for your willingness and commitment to educate the African teenagers. I spent fifteen months in Africa myself, teaching in Kumasi and traveling throughout the continent. I suppose one could say that my time there was a kind of detour.
I was biding my time until conditions were right for returning to Israel. But what- ever my adventure in Africa represented to me at the time, the fact is I learned things in Africa that proved incredibly useful in ultimately realizing my vision—although, once again, there was absolutely no way to know or predict that in advance. For example, one of the things that greatly impressed me about African culture was its rich complexity—in particular, the way many of the Africans I met seemed to balance comfortably multiple identities.
Kumasi is the capital of the Ashanti people, one of the key ethnic groups in Ghana, and it wasn’t unusual to meet people who took great pride in their Ashanti heritage with- out feeling any less Ghanaian. And given the pan-Africanist ideology of Ghana’s founding president Kwame Nkrumah, many also took pride in their African identity as well.
After my retirement as CEO of Intel Israel, Instead of an alternative thinking center, (I also decided that adults were hopeless...) and started to promote an initiative titled ‘Noah’s Ark’, to nurture different thinking in preschool children.
I just bought and sent to your office of Rwanda by EMS three signed copies of my "Autobiography, Leadership The Hard Way (why leadership can't be taught and how you can learn it any way.)"
I wish you success in your adventure with Ayina Think Tank.
May the content of this important book (The essential Gandhi, an anthology of his writings on his life, work, and ideas) by one of the greatest human beings to live on the continent of Africa and Asia inspire you and the participants to Ayina Think Tank programs.
Keep up the values that you already treasure and
embrace yourself, my friend Damien Mouzoun.
I am a parent of the just ended leadership program that you organized. My two daughters took part in the week long program and I must say they are really happy to have met you.
This is to say thank you on their behalf and also to ask that from time to time you get in touch with them to help them bring out their talents.
My daughter Sarfoah tells me I can work with you as a volunteer and I pray that her dream of me working with you shall come to pass. I love kids and I will be more than happy to associate myself with your organization.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you.
This is a great adventure Ayina Think Tank to assist the mounting generation in building their personality and character.
Thank to your commendable mission, we will have the next leaders who will make the world a better place for all.
It was really nice visiting your academy.
Best regards.
To Ayina Think Tank, the secret to knowledge is in reading, and you are doing great job initiating early childhood reading ethics. It is amazing how few Kenyans and Africans appreciate the great secrets and wisdom that are hidden in plain sight- in the books.
Keep it up and encourage more and more people to read.
You have all my admiration and support.
I commend the work you are doing in Africa through the Ayina Think Tank. Always remember that truthfulness matters and it is a question of resilient leadership and transformation that you instal in the body, mind, heart and spirit of those who will change Africa and the entire world.
Thank you for your contribution to our society that desperately needs to come back to moral values and humanity.
All the best.
Good job Ayina Think Tank. Every journey starts with a first step. Continue to translate your own into reality with God being your guide.
I really appreciate visiting your center and library of Kigali during the 27th African Union Summit on human right in Rwanda.
All the best!
Hi Damien,
Great seeing you with the Ayina Think Tank in Kigali . You are such an inspiration to young people across the continent.
I believe you're doing some inspiring work with the think tank and focus on early childhood education.
Africa certainly needs more interventions at the #ECE level because as you know this is where the foundation for a lifetime of learning begins.
All the best as you grow Ayina to greater heights.
Best wishes.
How to protect democracy and the very meaning of human life when a
computer algorithm could know us better than our mothers do? That’s the
most complicated challenge your generation faces." Yuval Noah Harari
along with Bill Gates, Amy Chua, Sherrod Brown, Nikki Haley and Melinda
To Ayina Think Tank,
keep up the good work,
we are all in this together.
Signed Yuval Noah Harari & the husband Itzik
from their office in Jerusalem.
May the testimony of my autobiography (Africa is my combat) inspire Ayina Think Tank team of young servant leaders in their commendable engagement for a united, prosperous and respected Africa.
I hope Mandela's life will inspire the participants and facilitators of Ayina Think Tank programs in Africa to become better of themselves and serve others wherever they may be.
Whether you work in a home office or abroad, business success in our
ever more globalized and virtual world requires the skills to navigate
through cultural differences and decode cultures foreign to your own.
The Culture Map, Erin Meyer provides a field-tested model for decoding
how cultural differences impact international business. She combines a
smart analytical framework with practical, actionable advice for
succeeding in a global world.
To Damien Mouzoun and the participants to Ayina Think Tank programs in Africa. Wishing you all the best!
Angels exist and we can only realize by exploring the world with an open mind, heart and spirit.
I would like to commend Ayina Think Tank for having my daughter Joan & my son Lawrence gone through some level of transformation.
I can not thank you enough for the adaptive learning experience for my children but I believe God will some day through their becoming and Ayina recognition worldwide.
Please keep up with the great jobs you are doing!
All the best and I highly recommend the student advisory center for all parents.
Faces of Africa Video - Sankara's Ghost
Dear Damien Mouzoun and Ayina Think Tank members,
I am sending you this autograph of one of my best selling books in sign of our common yearning for a world of
Justice and happiness for all people.
With all my admiration and respectful friendship for your contribution toward a world of justice and solidarity...
Sincerely yours.
"One of the most important lessons I have learned throughout my faith and life at Harvard Business School as professor is that strong youth program is not defined by the numbers of youth. Nor is it defined by the charisma of youth leaders. Rather, it is one that gives every young person the opportunity to lose his or her life for the sake of the Savior.
Wishing all the current and future participants a fulfilling experience with Ayina Think Tank programs which I personally recommend for everyone."
- Clayton Christensen
"As president Bill Clinton said, Wangari Maathai was a great role model of honesty in the modern Africa's trials and triumphs, a universal story of courage, persistence and success against great odds in a noble cause.
My message to my Benin brother Mouzoun whom I considered as a good sacrifice for youth advocacy, service and contribution to the continent as I look up to his leadership and all those who will have the privilege to learn from Ayina Think Tank is this: It is the little things citizens do that will make the difference in the world... what is your
little thing?"
It has been such a great honor for me to personally visit with my dear Damien Mouzoun and his colleagues at Ayina Think Tank Rwanda center of wisdom. They are doing an amazing work blessing many many people for good. Wishing you and all the participants the best you deserve.
brother Steven R. Shallenberger
"Dear young people, I would like to share with you a quote from 19th century philosopher
Thomas Carlyle: "A man lives by believing something, not by debating and arguing about many things." Once you decide to decide about your values, principles and convictions, life becomes surprisingly simple."
-Bill Marriott
"Dear young participants,
The challenge of the think tanks life like the one of @ayina_rw programs you are part taking becomes easy to overcome when you have a problem to work on in the face of the uncertainties of the future of our world. The hard part though will be for each one of you to find your problems to make our world a greater place.
I wish you courage and success in your learning journey to greatness."
- Aurelien Agbenonci
"To the young people across the world, in the same manner that the very small moon can block the magnificent sun, extinguishing its light and warmth, a spiritual eclipse can occur when we allow minor and troublesome
obstructions—those we face in our daily lives—to get so close that they block out the magnitude, brightness, and warmth of light. The use of social media, mobile apps, and games can be inordinately time-consuming and can reduce face-to-face interaction. This loss of personal conversation can affect marriages, take the place of valuable practices, and stifle the development of social skills.-"
Elder Gary E. Stevenson
"Education is, quite simply, peace-building by another name. It is the
most effective form of defense spending there is. I send my warmest
personal regards to my young brother and friend Damien Mouzoun from
Benin who has unconditionally made quality education and youth enlightenment his life
mission. His selfless service and contribution shall inspire many many generations to come for a better world.
We need hope but also strong leadership. And this is where everyone must
play a role. In societies emerging from conflict, it is up to each
individual and institution to stress that which unites us over that
which sets us apart.
As I have often said and repeated, you are never too young to lead and
never too old to learn. So I call on the young generation to put its
remarkable energy, insight and passion in the service of reconciliation
and peace.
I commend Ayina Think Tank for the charity work in this common purpose
and aspiration from Africa to the rest of the world. Wishing you all the
- Kofi Atta Annan
"He is a graduate of Harvard Law School and the University of Virginia. He worked for 14 years with the U.S. Justice Department, including 10 years as an Assistant United States Attorney in Northern Virginia. As a federal prosecutor, Rob ran the Major Crimes unit and prosecuted a wide variety of cases, including bank robberies, kidnappings, murder, and drug trafficking organizations. He handled the prosecution of CIA, FBI and other employees of the intelligence community for espionage, including CIA employee Aldrich Ames. He is the recipient of the Justice Department’s John Marshall Award for litigation, and the CIA’s Outstanding Service Medallion.