Category One: Booking a holiday mentoring courses for your teenagers.

Category Two: Booking a speaker or team building, management and leadership trainings for your organization or business.

Category Three: Booking for intellectual tourism, investment advisory, and personal or family unity educational retreat.

Ayina Think Tank Foundation

Dear Ayina Think Tank esteemed parents, organizations and businesses,

On behalf of the entire @ayina_rw leadership and management team, we are mighty proud of you for choosing to use our services.

We are at your entire disposal for your memorable customer care and satisfaction.

Kindly contact the booking team at the following postal address, email address or telephone:

Ayina Think Tank

Po.Box: 3972 Kigali, Rwanda

Emails: |

+250732000999 | +250780303144

Ayina Think Tank, Rwanda Education Board Road,
KG 11 Avenue and KG 190 Street, Tabs
Plaza Building 2nd Floor, Bureau 16
(Opposite University of Rwanda's Remera Campus in Kimironko)